KFC Menu Prices Australia: How much is KFC Australia?

✅ Verified & Reviewed 🕒 7-8 minutes read.

When it comes to savoring the irresistible combination of crispy chicken and mouthwatering flavors, there’s one name that immediately comes to mind – KFC Australia. With a reputation that’s as flavorful as their iconic fried chicken and a popularity that’s soaring to new heights, KFC Australia isn’t just a fast-food chain; it’s a culinary experience that resonates with taste buds and captures the hearts of many. Below are the latest KFC Australia menu prices.



10 Nugget Combo$14.65
10 Wicked Wings Combo$17.49
3 Original Tenders Combo$14.18
3 Wicked Wings Combo$10.16
5 Original Tenders Combo$16.88
1 Piece of Chicken$3.95
6 Pieces of Chicken$16.83
6 Nugget Combo$12.62
6 Wicked Wings Combo$13.17
21 Pieces of Chicken$40.45
Original Fillet Piece$4.95
Maxi Popcorn Chicken Combo$14.77
Regular Popcorn Chicken Combo$11.90
Zinger Fillet Piece$4.95
1 Piece Original Recipe$3.70
Snack Popcorn Chicken$3.95
6 Pieces$16.91
21 Pieces$40.16
Regular Popcorn Chicken$7.97
Maxi Popcorn Chicken$10.70
3 Wicked Wings$6.23
Fillet Piece$5.95
6 Wicked Wings$9.23
10 Wicked Wings$13.60
5 Original Tenders$12.88
3 Original Tenders$10.02
6 Nuggets$8.80
10 Nuggets$10.81
Snack Popcorn Chicken Combo$7.95


3 Piece Box$15.25
BBQ Bacon Stacker Burger Box$18.85
Original Bacon and Cheese Burger Box$15.53
Zinger Crunch Burger Box$17.34
Favourites Box$16.17
Original Tenders Box$15.52
Ultimate Box$14.57
Zinger Bacon and Cheese Burger Box$16.27
Zinger Burger Box$15.46
Zinger Stacker Burger Box$19.39
Zinger Crunch Twister Box$16.58
Original Crunch Twister Box$16.10


Zinger Crunch Burger Box Hot and Crispy$17.44
Zinger Bacon and Cheese Burger Box Hot and Crispy$16.67
3 Pieces Hot and Crispy$8.00
3 Pieces Combo Hot and Crispy$11.77


BBQ Bacon Stacker Burger Combo$16.64
Double Tender Burger Combo$11.46
Original Bacon and Cheese Burger Combo$13.65
Original Recipe Burger Combo$12.65
Zinger Crunch Burger Combo$14.61
Zinger Bacon and Cheese Burger Combo$13.64
Zinger Burger Combo$12.65
Zinger Crunch Burger$10.61
Original Recipe Burger$8.59
Zinger Stacker Burger$12.15
Original Bacon and Cheese Burger$9.84
Zinger Burger$8.60
Zinger Stacker Burger Combo$16.15
Double Tender Burger$7.52
Original Recipe Bacon and Cheese Burger$8.08
Zinger Bacon and Cheese Burger$9.56
BBQ Bacon Stacker Burger$12.49

Featured items

Zinger Burger Box Hot and Crispy$15.67
Zinger Stacker Burger Box Hot and Crispy$18.88


Go Bucket Popcorn Chicken$6.34
Go Bucket 1 Original Tender$6.31
Go Bucket 2 Wicked Wings$6.30
Go Bucket 3 Nuggets$6.32
Popcorn and Slider Pack$9.45
Original Supercharged Slider$4.62
Original Pepper Mayo Slider$4.63
Original BBQ Slider$4.62
Kids Meal with Snack Popcorn Chicken$8.09
Kids Meal with BBQ Slider$8.06
Kids Meal with Nuggets$8.08
Original Tenders Crunch Bowl Combo$14.54
Disclaimer: PriceListo gathers actual pricing information from sources such as on-site visits, business websites, and phone interviews. The prices reported on this webpage derive from one or more of those sources. Naturally, the prices reported on this website may not be current, and may not apply to all locations of a given business brand. To obtain current pricing, contact the individual business location of interest to you.
PriceListo KFC (AU) prices provided by PriceListo.

A Warm and Welcoming Atmosphere

Stepping into a KFC Australia outlet is like entering a world of familiar comfort and hospitality. The ambiance is carefully designed to create an inviting and family-friendly environment. From the vibrant colors to the friendly staff, every element is orchestrated to offer a welcoming experience that invites families, friends, and individuals to indulge in a delicious meal together.

Beyond the visual appeal, KFC Australia has mastered the art of creating an atmosphere that feels like a home away from home. Whether you’re visiting with friends after school or enjoying a weekend treat with family, the inviting environment contributes to the overall delight of the dining experience.

A Symphony of Flavors and Textures

The menu at KFC Australia is a symphony of flavors and textures that caters to a wide range of tastes. At the heart of their offerings lies the famous fried chicken – a culinary masterpiece that’s become synonymous with the brand. Each piece of chicken is expertly seasoned, coated with KFC’s secret blend of herbs and spices, and fried to perfection, resulting in that signature crispy exterior and tender interior.

However, KFC Australia’s menu extends beyond just fried chicken. It encompasses a diverse array of options that include burgers, wraps, salads, and sides. This culinary variety ensures that there’s something for everyone, from those who love the classic chicken pieces to those seeking a lighter option without compromising on taste.

A Reputation Built on Quality

KFC Australia has earned a reputation that reflects the quality of its offerings. It’s not just about the food; it encompasses the entire dining experience. This reputation has been nurtured through years of delivering consistent flavors, exceptional service, and an ambiance that fosters positive memories. The name KFC Australia is now synonymous with a commitment to providing satisfying meals and fostering a sense of community.

This reputation is further bolstered by the personal experiences of patrons. People who have savored KFC Australia’s dishes become enthusiastic advocates, sharing their stories with friends, family, and colleagues. These personal endorsements stand as a testament to the lasting impact that KFC Australia has on its customers.

The Rising Wave of Popularity

The popularity of KFC Australia is like a tidal wave that’s continuously gaining momentum. It’s more than just a fast-food destination; it’s a hub of culinary delight that resonates with individuals from all walks of life. Whether you’re a student looking for a quick and satisfying meal or a group of friends seeking a casual hangout spot, KFC Australia has an allure that appeals to a diverse audience.

In the ever-evolving landscape of culinary exploration, KFC Australia’s popularity continues to surge. This speaks volumes about the brand’s ability to consistently deliver not just a meal, but an experience that caters to different preferences. The balance of familiar flavors and a welcoming atmosphere creates an environment that appeals to both loyal patrons and newcomers.

A Culinary Legacy of Shared Moments

In conclusion, KFC Australia stands as more than just a fast-food chain; it’s a celebration of flavors, quality, and growing popularity. With a reputation that shines as brightly as its beloved fried chicken and a popularity that’s reaching new heights, it stands as a testament to the power of providing exceptional dining experiences. Whether you’re a fan of their crispy chicken, a lover of hearty burgers, or someone eager to share a meal with loved ones, KFC Australia invites you to immerse yourself in its world. Embark on a culinary journey that pays homage to tradition, embraces diverse tastes, and leaves a lasting impression. Let your taste buds dance, your cravings be satisfied, and your heart be warmed by the delightful charm that is KFC Australia.

To learn more about KFC Australia or to find a location near you, visit their website at https://www.kfc.com.au/.

KFC Australia FAQ

How much is KFC Australia's Original Bacon and Cheese Burger?

Original Bacon and Cheese Burger – $8.79

How much is a Original Recipe Burger Combo at KFC Australia?

Original Recipe Burger Combo – $11.25

How much are Double Tender Burger at KFC Australia?

Double Tender Burger – $6.81

How much does a KFC Australia's Zinger Crunch Bowl Combo Cost?

Zinger Crunch Bowl Combo – $12.31

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